‘Be Prepared By Friday’ Quick Start Guide Is Available

‘Be Prepared by Friday’ Quick Start Guide by Sissy Neel is now available on Amazon.com!

Why write another prepping book?

If you wonder if you should be doing more to be prepared for unforeseen emergencies , I wrote this book just for you! We have all seen the crazy weather all over the country. The anxiety that these situations cause is huge. With ‘ Be Prepared by Friday’ as a guide you will be ready for nearly any emergency that will come up.

Do you have someone who dismisses prepping?

‘Be Prepared by Friday’ will help you start a calm rational discussion about prepping with the most skeptical of people. It has a firm base in Red Cross and FEMA guidelines. This book is quick and easy to implement, even with a tight budget and hectic schedule. Whether you are a kid in a college dorm, a single, a soccer mom or a senior, this book will help you prepare for the unexpected that happens in every life.

How do you even start prepping?

There are things that you can do today! But will you? I will go over the mindsets of the average joe that hinder prepping efforts and how to address these. There are so many steps you can take that will not cost you a dime. It will cost you time and effort. But the steps are the same whether you are living in a trailer or a mansion.

As humans , we all have the same needs. To be ok, we need food, water, shelter and security. Gadgets can be helpful, but your mind has to be right and your skills have to be up to par.

I have a pretty solid prepper wish list, if you want to get some ideas .  I highly recommend getting the book, Be Prepared by Friday!  It will help get you focused  and on your way.


Sissy Neel

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