Obviously, food is a huge component of any prepper’s plans.
But there are a lot of ideas out there. I am a wife, mom and native Montanan. I tend toward the solutions that are affordable, low maintenance and as versatile as possible. If it’s gonna cost $10K and require a special room…it probably won’t be coming home with me. I believe in doing what you can, when you can.
Assess your food supply now. How many days of food do you have? Do you have food that you could prepare if there was no power? Do you have a can opener that doesn’t require power? I started by filling my pantry with the canned goods, we use all the time anyway. Organize each food in a row, so you can see what you have. I just have 6 cans on the shelf instead of 2. Just that change tripled the amount of shelf stable food in my house. Do the same with crackers and tortillas. Shop once a week, and see if you can make it til next week on that one trip. Instead of making an extra trip to the grocery, use what you have, and put the $3 you saved into next weeks groceries not the gas tank.
Once your pantry and cupboards are filled…reevaluate. I bet you will be blown away by how much more food is in your house. This first step will prepare you for most of the emergencies you are likely to face. If a tree knocks down a power line or they have to service your grid you will be good for a couple of days. Awesome!! You are more prepared than most people, with just that simple step. But there’s more…
The next step is to imagine a bigger disaster. What if a flood washed out a road, or a blizzard trapped you for a week or two? Could you and your kids sit at home playing uno and drinking hot chocolate? Or would you be panicking trying to get someone to rescue you? So then you get a gallon can of powdered milk, some powdered butter, and get creative with some dehydrated veggies. Now you could be ok for months, with food that could be stored under the guest bed and at the bottom of the hall closet. It doesn’t take extra money. It may require you to change the way you shop though. Leave the package of cookies there and bring home 3 cans of olives instead. Most of us could squeeze some out of our grocery budget…if we re-prioritize.
Then rinse and repeat! It will make a big difference a little bit at a time. I appreciate you giving this site a look. I hope you keep exploring and check back often. We will be discussing the pros and cons of different food storage options. I will also share my resources for gathering good food for my family. See you soon.
Nice looking site so far!! I could not agree more about being prepared. Lucky for me I don’t live in such a hot zone like you do but in all other aspects of life, being prepared with anything you do will save so much time and keep you mind at ease!
I think every region has it’s own risks. It Is a good thing to be prepared for eventualities. Some of your bags would make great bug out bags. I love things that work double duty!
I love your site and the info therein, I really need to do more!
You will go far with this!
Thank you so much, we all need to do more. As long as you get started, that’s a huge step. Stay tuned!
I love your site and I am inspired to do more prepping!
You will go far!
All really fantastic points, Sis! I have enough provisions for about a week but you opened my eyes to a natural Disaster that could have you trapped at Home for weeks.
There’s only enough fuel for my Generator for only a week and my bottled water supply would last about the same time. I will do as you say and replenish my stocks for a longer period.
Thanks, Jeff.
I am so glad you will be supplementing your supplies. It gives you such peace of mind. Make sure if you are storing fuel for your generator, that you rotate it regularly, especially if it runs on gas. Gas goes bad really fast. Just put the oldest can of gas into your car once a month, then fill it with new gas. Then you will always have good gas for an emergency.