Can Buying Flannel Sheets Lower your Heating Bill?


Will buying flannel sheets really lower your heating bill? 

It’s true.  For myself, I hate getting into cold sheets.  I turn the heat up or turn on a heating pad, so I don’t get into a cold bed.  I shiver for an hour if the bed is cold.  I discovered the solution… flannel sheets in the winter.

They make a huge different in how fast I fall asleep.  I used to kick my feet to warm up a spot with friction.  I used to dread rolling over and hitting cold sheets.  No more!  With flannel sheets I snuggle in immediately and am cozy.  I don’t need a heating pad or the thermostat higher.  Flannel sheets are three season sheets in our home.  In spring and fall, the flannel sheets feel like a light blanket.  It’s great for nights that are too warm for blankets but too cool for just a sheet.  Flannels solve that problem, too.

If you are really cold blooded, May I recommend fleece sheets!  I didn’t even know they made them until my mom was given a set for Christmas.  As she got older, she was always cold, especially at night.  She loved her fleece sheets.  But even she used flannels until it was really cold, because the fleece is so warm.

Flannels have been great in my kids rooms.  They seem to snuggle into bed much faster with the flannel sheets.  They are just comfortable so much faster.  If this sounds like you, I hope you consider flannel sheets.  It has been helpful for our comfort level and our pocket book!

If you are interested in more ideas...click here!



I LOVE flannels!
  • Flannel Sheets


Flannel sheets are the best! They are a 3 season sheet that keeps my family comfy and my wallet happy!

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  1. That sounds really cozy. I don’t like to be too warm when I sleep, but I tend to like heavier things on top of much such as afghans and comforters. Go figure!

    • I love the weight of heavy blankets but sometimes that runs hubby out. These are a good compromise.

  2. That’s a good idea Enid. Thanks for sharing. Finally the end to our nightmare! As soon as my wife is back from visiting friends I will show her your website, she will be thrilled.

    Best wishes,

    John ツ

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