Fireplace Safety Fence for Your Home

If you have small children or pets that you are concerned about, you might consider  a fireplace safety fence for your home.  These gate/fences are built to withstand abuse.  I like the ones that are metal,to me they  hold up… Continue Reading


Non Electric Heaters for your Home

So if you were snowed in, do you have non electric heaters for your home? Considering the weird weather we have had these last two winters, it is a very relevant concern.  There is no corner of the country where… Continue Reading


Can I Lower My Electric Bill?

“Can I lower my electric bill?”  Questions like these send me on quests. I’ve been reading and watching a bunch of these prepper shows lately.  It amazes me how out of touch some people are, in both directions really.  Some… Continue Reading


Do You Have a 72 Hour Emergency Kit?

  So are you feeling overwhelmed?  I hope not.  I know there are a ton of things to think about… but all you really need to do is start.  Start out small.  Think of small situations you would like to… Continue Reading


Prepper Supply List

Prepper Supply List   This Prepper’s Supply List is a place to start.  You might consider these things as you get a survival plan together. Its will cover  prepping for small emergencies all the way up to the Doomsday Prepper. It is not… Continue Reading