‘Be Prepared By Friday’ Is Available


‘Be Prepared by Friday’ by Sissy Neel is now available on Amazon.com! Why write another prepping book? If you wonder if you should be doing more to be prepared for unforeseen emergencies , I wrote this book just for you!… Continue Reading


Prepping in Stages-Basic Prepping for Everyone


  Have you considered prepping in stages? Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the thought of prepping?  Are you confident in your choices? Most people want to do SOMEthing, they just don’t know WHAT! I will share some of my… Continue Reading


Building Heavy Outdoor Clothesline Poles


Today I’m going to tell you how to build outdoor clothesline poles. A dryer is one of the biggest energy hogs in your house.  And making a set of these poles is relatively simple. Normally, you see two big “T”s … Continue Reading